"Una estadía plena de confort y detalles de alojamiento
realmente exquisitos..."
"Escogimos la casa de las tías por su valoración y comentarios; Realmente superó con creces nuestras expectativas..."
"Very friendly and helpful hosts. Wonderful oasis to relax and come back to after a day in hectic traffic...."
"Xavier and Pilar were about the friendliest, most accommodating hosts you could ever imagine..."
"Cosy room, nice breakfast, great hosts! Thank you for a very nice stay!..."
"My favorite B&B in Escazú..."
- Christopher Baker, Costa Rica Handbook
"...The perfect small hotel"
- Angela Lambert, The London Daily Mail
"out of the urban grip, while being close to the action"
- Scott Krischke, The Tico Times
"... a great value, beautiful, and unique but the reason I will go back is because of Xavier and Pilar"
- With our Legs on the Edge