Availability Inquiry

If you are interested in staying with us, let us know so we make sure there is a room available for you at Casa de las Tías.

Our Front terrace

Pilar and Xavier Vela

Front view of Casa de las Tias

Casa de las Tías

Resources for Birding in Costa Rica

Please see The Birding Club of Costa Rica website for a list of useful sites and links:

The Birding Club of Costa Rica Facebook page!:

Costa Rica Living and Birding: our very own Tico Tweeter editor's blog about living and birding in Costa Rica: http://birdingcraft.com/wordpress 

©2013 Casa De las Tías.
Web Design by edenia.com    Tel: +(506) 2289 5517  |  Fax: +(506) 2289-7353  |  E-Mail:  | Escazú, San José, Costa Rica